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DAK Student Insruance

Public health insurance for university students, exchange students, and employee in Germany.

DAK logo

DAK(Deutsche Angestellten-Krankenkasse)

is one of Germany's largest statutory health insurance companies and a public health insurance group. With roots tracing back to 1746, it is one of Germany's oldest health insurance companies and currently the third-largest statutory health insurance group in the country, headquartered in Hamburg.

Whether you're a German resident, international student, or employed in Germany, DAK offers reliable health insurance options to ensure you receive satisfactory care when facing health issues. With its friendly service and diverse insurance plans, DAK provides members with equal and comprehensive medical services.

S22 Insurance suits :

DAK Student Health Insurance

DAK Student Health Insurance is designed for university students studying in Germany, including both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as exchange students.

The German government allows all university students, regardless of their nationality, to apply for DAK public student health insurance if they are studying at a German university. Because of government subsidies, this DAK student health insurance, like all other German public student health insurances, is only available to students under 30 years old. Foreign students who are temporarily in Germany for exchange programs, further studies, or academic pursuits can also apply for this insurance.

Note: Scholarship recipients pursuing a doctoral degree are not eligible for DAK student insurance and should apply for other suitable insurance options. Click here to get more inofrmation about care college insurance.

DAK Benifits

Free choice of doctors

As the policyholder of DAK health insurance, you have the freedom to choose from all registered doctors, dentists, psychotherapists, contract hospitals, and medical centers for outpatient treatment. DAK can provide you with specialist doctor recommendations and a fast-track green channel for appointments.

Medication, bandages, and treatment supplies are included

DAK health insurance covers most of the costs for medication and bandages (such as bandages or plaster casts). You only need to pay the legally required 10% co-payment—minimum 5 euros and maximum 10 euros, but never more than the actual amount. Additionally, DAK insurance covers treatments like massage or physical therapy, for which you only need to pay the statutory co-payment.

Premium waiver

In accordance with German insurance law, as part of the German public healthcare system, you can receive free medical treatment immediately upon presentation of your health insurance card. For medical services that are not covered by the law, we will take into account the maximum individual financial burden - in that case, you will not be required to make any additional payments under the law.

Insurance for family members

Spouses and children under the age of 23 do not need to pay a premium if your overall monthly income is a maximum of €520. In this way, your entire family can take advantage of the full benefits of DAK health insurance. We would be happy to advise you on what other prerequisites are needed to insure your family members - even if the child has not yet been born, we can advise you in advance. Is your family coming to Germany later? No problem. You can apply for family insurance at any time.

Free medical check-ups

DAK insurance provides a comprehensive medical check-up every two years by appointment with your family doctor. In addition, women are offered early breast cancer screening and other cancer and virus tests. Both men and women are also offered free skin cancer and colonoscopy services.

Free vaccination

Whether it's mumps, measles, rubella, tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria or Haemophilus influenzae type B infection: protecting yourself and your children against these familiar infectious diseases is as simple as getting vaccinated.DAK insurance pays for the cost of all the recommended vaccines for adults and children, and additional special vaccinations are available for people at special risk.

DAK Insurance Prices

Personal situation

Over 23 years of age and without children

129.27 €/Month


Under 23 or with children

124.4 Euro/Month


*All the above prices include the cost of care insurance, which is mandatory for individuals required by the state to purchase

*Employee contribution as a percentage of pre-tax income (medical 19.15% + nursing care), employer and employee pay 50/50

Premiums are updated by the Public Insurance Corporation as of 1 January 2024

Additional benefits of enrolling in DAK through STU Insurance


Free HPV vaccine

Cervical Cancer Vaccine HPV Reimbursement Until Age 27

(Insured through this site)


Full customer service

From the application to the activation of the insurance policy, we will accompany you from start to finish, with our German insurance consultants.


Free Incoming Insruance

Apply for DAK Insurance and we will send you 3 months of travel insurance that meets the visa requirements of the embassy.

DAK cachback

Up to €500 per year with the Health Cashback programme.

one month’s premium refund per year without a medical consultation


Dental cleaning

Covers the cost of two routine dental check-ups and one professional dental cleaning per year (60 Euro).

Your Free Consultant

All our services are free of charge and you pay exactly the same premiums and benefits as on the DAK Germany website. If you need a professional, enthusiastic and patient service to accompany you through the process of applying for insurance and activating it after entering Germany, then we are the right choice for you.

Join DAK Insurance now! Five minute to complete applicaton with free incoming insurance